Molly Douglas

Graphic Designer

As an extension of our expanding design team, Molly helps out with all things visual. She is a graduate from Kent State University and earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design. She is a creative, reliable, hard worker with record-speed turnaround!

Molly grew up in a rural place in Dalton, OH with her two brothers and wonderful parents; her family means a lot to her. Molly's hobbies include speed-completing puzzles, and trying out new restaurants/foods. She absolutely loves dogs and thinks they deserve the world!

  • Nickname

    Molls, Chef

  • Office bev of choice

    Lavender and/or green tea

  • Fave movie

    Into the Wild (2007)

  • Fun Fact

    Molly has completed a 1000-piece puzzle in less than 24 hours all by herself!

  • Common Quote

    "What da heck."

  • Super Smash Bros Mains

    Luigi, Bowser, and Yoshi